Monday, June 22, 2009

Goodbye India, Hello London!

India was amazing। I was blessed to travel much of the Northern side and did some amazing things along the way। I camped in the Himalayan Mountains, I rode an elephant, I saw the greatest wonder of the world, I took a train across much of the country, I truly did experience the culture in a very sincere way, my list could go on forever. Some of my most favourite memories however are the people I met along the way. I worked with a group of slum kids and had the time of my life. I made heart connections that I will carry forever and was so very much blessed by those beautiful children. When I looked at their situations and travelled into their “homes” I must admit that a part of me thought, seriously God what kind of sick game is this? But when I got to know them I learnt very quickly that their lives, however hard they are have it, provided them with such a unique and beautiful way of looking at the world and the people in it. I suppose it is a fairly big trade off and although there were times when I saw pain in their eyes, I have never in my life met children so happy, full of love, and passionate.
To sum up India in this blog or even attempt too would be absolutely silly but my point is I loved my journey through that beautiful land and it was very difficult to say goodbye as I temporarily walked away from that world. As hard as it was to say goodbye to India it was very exciting to welcome myself to London. My flight was early which meant I had a full day to spend on my own venturing around. I took the underground downtown and made my way to an internet cafe to update my Mommy as to where I was (I am most definitely my Moms most faithful daughter – wink wink). After ठाट, exhaustion hit and I went and found a park to put down my bags and catch a little shut eye. My eyes lit up when I wandered back and saw Subway so I went in for my first “home” meal and met a lovely guy to share lunch and stories with then stole the floor of their bathroom to freshen my dirty self up and start looking presentable for HILLSONG.
I was so grateful to make it back in time to go to the Hillsong service. Actually I was quite bummed before leaving Canada that I would not be able to go but “coincidentally” I made it just in time and it was fabulous. When I sat in that service I wanted to live in London instantly and have that as my church community every week. I have not had an actual church service in about a month now so I was quite thirsty for one and it was just so powerful to sit in a room with a couple thousand people my age just as in love with God as myself. Ahhh I loved it. I also meet a really great group of people there and I am really looking forward to later in the week as they have invited me to their small group and to discover a bit of their London.
Anyway London has been great. It is so beautiful here. Salvatore and Dino have been absolutely wonderful to me and have already taken me out to Windsor to snoop around there at that measly little second home of the Queens. Everything here is so green and luscious. Today I spent a lot of time in an older area of the suburbs where some of the buildings and homes are 700 years old; I was in my glory. Oh and did I mention it is only 20 degrees here, which has been such a gift since the temperature in India averaged anywhere from 43-48 every day.
So yes my travels here have already been great. The only issue I had was my backpack, I had a little brain fart and packed my bag normally when I left Delhi (keep in mind I had stayed up all evening and did not get any sleep) so when I landed in London I threw on my bag and thought that it was crazy heavy. Sure enough when I opened it up I used this bag to bring home my three books, two bibles and a few other heavier items. I love them all too much to give up so it looks like ill be lugging around many many extra pounds these next few weeks. Oh and I forgot to pack t-shirts, I have the one that I was wearing on the plane and that is it; I suppose though that London wouldn’t be the worst place to have to go shopping!
I am desperately tired right now so I’m not sure if this blog even makes sense and I suppose it is time for bed. I will try to attach along a few photos soon! Lots of love from London...


Anonymous said...

Im so excited you in London! You are going to LOVE it!

Elaine Matson said...

Good blog Jenelle, I can't wait to see the pics and hear more about your trip. MOM