Thursday, November 12, 2009

We all get sick of sand in our shoes...

But we call all agree on one thing, tans fade, highlights get dark, and we all get sick of sand in our shoes…

As much as I would like to pretend it away, my biggest confession on this trip would be that I have now become addicted to Gossip Girl! Juan downloaded a few episodes to keep me entertained on our long bus rides and now although I don’t even like the darn show I find myself wanting to see each and every episode. Im not even going to justify my terrible new taste in junk television but I will say the quotes they come up with send me into hysterics sometimes. Take the above for example, oh how I love it. And for once I found myself relating, it was one of those “im not laughing at you, im laughing with you” situations (which is a rarity when I watch the show).

So with that being said I am indeed getting sick of sand in my shoes, literally and figuratively.

Didn’t some wise old man once say everything must come to an end? I guess for me that is true, my travels although not over (ever) must come to an end for now. I am ready to go home, I am ready to unpack my bag and live out of a closet rather than a backpack. I am ready to have my own clean bed to crawl into every night, to have my dog curl up beside me while a read a book on my comfy couch. I am ready to drive to Tim Hortons and eat fresh salad every day, I am ready to smell clean air and call my friends in the same time zone on my own phone. I am ready to spend time with my family again and build a little home for myself.

There is a part of me that could travel forever. Especially if I had a family I could just be on the move to a new country all the time but right now I need a little calmness. I went away to travel and relax and the ironic part is I now want to go home to wind down…and I like that. My goodness, in the past six months I have been to India, Canada, Spain (three times), France (twice), Germany, Italy, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia, and I am still heading off to see another two or three countries. Traveling gives me this beautiful world, it opens my eyes, and brings such a light into my life. I become ignited with a passion to see more, do more, and meet new people. I become more still in life and more grateful for the many blessings I have been given. But for the first time in many years I have also become homesick, I miss my world I have left behind and I am reminded that my life is not beautiful simply because it is, it is beautiful because I choose to make it that way no matter where I am.

So with that being said I have decided to come home. I really wanted to stay at least a few more months in Asia and I wanted to try and work over here just to give it a shot and see what it is like. The thought though of not being with my family for Christmas made me sad, it is too important to me. It was going to be a surprise for my parents as one of their Christmas gifts but with my big mouth I knew it would just be too hard. So Mom and Dad, surprise, one more month and you will be listening to my never ending sarcasm and bantering, and wondering when the heck my next adventure will be; I cant wait to see you guys soon, love you!


Elaine Matson said...

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome you'll be here for Christmas! BE SAFE and enjoy the rest of your journey. Love you, mom.

Unknown said...


Cheryl Quist said...

You've had some wonderful adventures Jenelle! These times will be part of you for always... but, it will be nice to have one more chick in the Canadian nest again!

I'm looking forward to having tea and a nice chat. I wish you were here tomorrow for our Lesfa making adventure! See you soon...