Saturday, February 14, 2009

Deep Kiya Roots

As life goes-on every day seems to carry a new meaning. The birth of a family member, the loss of a loved one, the celebration of an anniversary, or the marking of ones change. Year by year my calendar grows in days to remember, days to grieve, days to celebrate. February 14th has been a day that is celebrated around the world. It is recognized as Valentines Day and although each country or culture has a different meaning behind the title, the underlining theme has consistently been love. I have grown up with the concept of Valentines Day for twenty five years now however this year it means so much more.

Today is the day my niece Kiya was due to be born। As an Auntie I had many months to look forward to this day। The anticipation of a call which led me racing to the hospital, the first glance of my niece as I counted each and every one of her fingers and toes, the tears of joy as I held her for the first time, the shear happiness as I watched Tiffany beaming as a new Mom, the endless pictures...the endless memories.

I have spent a bit of time lately obsessing over what Valentines Day really is and what it means to who। I found one meaning from Slovenia (where much of Kiya's heritage lays) explaining that their St. Valentine brings "the key of roots". It is the day where "plants and flowers start to grow" and it is the day they celebrate life. I like this....It rings so true for little miss Kiya Jade. Valentines Day, Kiya's real birth day, a day which resembles the key to is beautiful. Although there are so many would-have-been, should-have-been's today, this meaning has helped me find my own significance in Valentines Day. Today has given me roots, little Kiya roots...deep Kiya roots. Roots that will forever be a part of me, one's that will be a part of my children and my family to come. I want plants and flowers to start growing in my heart today, divine ones which match Kiya's beauty, and share her same scent, where their roots will grow deep inside me and solidify my memories. The dictionary defines roots as "a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture". That is what Valentines Day and Kiya's Day mean to me. I am anchored in my Kiya roots and through them I will absorb the nutrients I need, nutrients that will feed my heart, nourish my spirt, and heal my soul.

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