Thursday, February 05, 2009

It aint no thang....

So after multiple doctors appointments over the past year about a bump in my eye I finally got it removed!  I had a very tiny little bump on my eyelid that would drive me crazy so I went to my family doctor a few times but no matter what he gave me nothing helped (hot compresses, antibiotics, drops, etc.).  Finally he sent me to a specialist who I went to go see yesterday.  He was going to treat me for scar tissue from a sty but when I told him I dont get sty's it kinda got him thinking.  My bump has never bothered me or hurt, it never itched, changed size, got red or swollen.  Hum, he was stumped on this one.  After looking through my files he left and came back right away with a few other doctors and said they were going to do an emergency minor surgery and remove it to get tested.  Wow, wasn't expecting that one.  They froze my eye, flipped my eyelid inside out so there will be no scaring and scraped away (yummmm).  Thankfully the bump was REALLY small so I am sure it is nothing.  My eye however is REALLY huge now and Im looking like a mess.  I thought you may enjoy a few giggles over my messy little face.  I sure hope this isn't permanent!


Anonymous said...

You still look just as beautiful.

Cheryl Quist said...

Yoinks! Scraping is such a gunge word... blechhhh. Nice swelling - at least you have a reason for yours, lol!