Monday, June 22, 2009


Written June 17th, २००९
A few weeks before leaving my Dad took my sister and I to a hockey game. There was a middle aged man sitting a row ahead of us and soaking in the game. He was so giddy and happy to be there. He took pictures of everything, the players, the jumbo-tron, himself; he couldn’t get enough of the game. I remember sitting there thinking, where did that go for me, how did I get so used to having it all?
I had one friend write me and she said “many of my friends travel to all corners of the world and enjoy it but anyone I’ve known that goes to India comes back a little different, I’m excited to know what your change has been”. I still don’t think I am in the position to process what my “changes” have been since I’ve arrived but I am beginning to see it in certain things and I believe one of those areas is being reignited with an even more grateful heart.
I am so giddy here, every piece of India I am soaking in. I am sick and exhausted and I feel like I could sleep for days on end yet I cannot afford to rest here because I love it too much and I want to venture into every little corner this beautiful country has to offer. I am so glad that I can look around this place and see the beauty in it. I am thankful that there are so many times through the day that I could not even begin to count when I stop to think to myself how lucky I am. Not many people get to travel the world the way I have, not many people have the joy of experiencing other ways of life; how wonderful do I have it?
So yes, I have had many changes in India some personal and some I will blog about when my mind and my heart can finally absorb my world in this past little while but the one that seems very pertinent right now is my grateful heart and I am so so thankful that I have walked through each and every day here knowing that I have been blessed beyond measure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jen, so excited for you, I remember that hockey game, it was fun. I miss hanging out with ya.
