Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings." -- Sir James Matthew Barrie

Tonight I was a trapeze artist!  Now I am sure professional trapeze artists would highly disagree with that statement, but for me, for the night, I was most definitely the most beautiful trapeze artist that a circus ever did see!

I have been wanting to do trapeze for a long time now.  That was one of my next adventures I had all planned out and although the original plan didn't work, the present plan was much more than I could have asked for in the first place.  Stepping out of my shell and doing things on my own or meeting new people has been a fairly big struggle for me.  While in Phoenix I told my brother-in-law about my circus training plan and he mentioned there was a trapeze place in town.  I decided there was no use waiting for the summer back home and I signed my lonely little butt up for class tonight. I dont know why I get so nervous about being in new situations.  Nine times out of ten I end up loving whatever it is I decided to do and meeting some great people along the way, and that is just what happened.  Even in just this year I have started to see a lot of growth in myself regarding that area...Im proud.

It was such a great night and a really fun new experience.  In no time I was climbing up the most narrow 30 foot ladder to make a jump I was completely unprepared for.  It is hard to capture the feeling of your first jump, or even swinging through the air.  It all goes by so fast.  You are thinking of tucking your legs here, letting go there, or listening for your cue to begin your back flip (yes people I can back flip) and you cant allow your mind to think of how brilliant what your doing actually is.  Maybe that is the fun of it though, your so lost in your thoughts that nothing else seeps into your mind.  I was able to swing, flip around, tuck, and do a couple other tricks quite a number of times tonight and was even picked as one of the five people (out of seventeen) that were good enough to do a catch on their first class (I should mention that I was up against many children which could be why they didn't make the cut).  My first try I missed, and we all know how well that goes over with me.  Even in trapeze, I try to analyze it too much, I thought for a second too long and missed my cue, thankfully though they graciously allowed me to make one last attempt and I nailed it.  Maybe not the most graceful catch youll see but I was so freakin proud of myself.  I would most definitely do trapeze classes again, like I said it was a lot of fun, easier than I thought but still challenging in many different ways.  

Only a few hours later my hands are callousing, my arms, abs, back, armpits, and shoulders are aching, and my knees and the back of my legs are bruising.  I suppose even flying comes with a cost.  I am really starting to learn (or accept) that certain dreams or ambitions really do come with a cost.  The whole "the grass is greener on the other side" theory may indeed be very true.  However the cost that came to the person who diligently worked on getting his grass so lusciously green was also very large.  Whether it is just recreational activities like trapeze or greater goals like having a family, there will always be a cost.  Sometimes that cost is just a small one but sometimes greater than you ever imagined your heart could bare.  I want so-and-so's grass but I am thinking it will take a lot more work to get there, in the mean time, my grass (although a little patchy) is looking mighty fine to me!

1 comment:

Cheryl Quist said...

FANTASTIC! That's amazing... the vids were great!