Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME...

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to the girl who waited far too many years to be this excited for a birthday. On my birthday I have so many wishes for myself and so many beautiful moments to look back on during this past year. This year has been beautiful and tragic, and tragically beautiful. Last year as I sat around blowing out my candles and making my birthday wishes not once did I envision myself to be where I am today. The unanswered prayers that I thought would break my heart turned out to bless my soul. Oh birthday girl you have so much to look forward too.

New friends, new life ventures, new challenges, new talents. Finding foreign paths, healing a broken heart, laughing till I cry, risking myself more. Becoming friends with art again, finding a new thirst for my spiritual journey, adoring my own company, visiting far away lands. This year was so delicious for me! As I look into this next year I have learnt one very important lesson, don't look too far. My path was designed far before I was even conceived, why the heck have I spent so many years stressing over it. This next year, good, bad, or indifferent will be exactly what it was meant to be so my birthday wish for myself is to just enjoy the ride.

Twenty six has now come and I am excited for the next twelve months. There is a fire in my soul that just wants more. The ambers have always been burning and I have always desired a stronger flame that would help fuel my fire to change my world. I don't know why or how but this year that flame ignited and caught like a wild fire. I am so very much ready and looking forward to this year. Endless adventures, lessons, and smiles. I have no idea what is in store but I do know I will make it beautiful.

So happy birthday to the birthday gal. May your year be filled with so much love, memories, new experiences, courageous goals, laughter, family, and sunshine, and may your smile continue to shine tomorrow as brightly as it does today.

Love ME

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